This annual symposium brings together community partners working in the gender-based violence sector to share ideas, workshops and key learnings about how we can all stand Together Against Violence!

Key Statistics

Approximately every six days, a woman in Canada is killed by her intimate partner.

More than half (53%) of Canadian study respondents who experienced domestic
violence said that at least one type of abusive act happened at or near their workplace

Children who witness violence in the home are shown to have twice the rate of psychiatric disorders when compared to children from non-violent homes.

35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.

If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

General Information

This virtual signature event on February 21-22, 2024, is bringing together experts from the GBV sector to facilitate courageous conversations about the impacts of gender-based violence on individuals, families and communities across Canada. It aims to raise awareness of the insidious and residual effects of gender-based violence on victims, survivors, and their families and to explore strategies to better support those who have the courage to leave or are planning to leave their abusive relationships.

The strategies include how to safely plan and leave an abusive relationship, finding alternative housing in the current housing market, finding stable employment and available legal support to aid court-related and other legal challenges from GBV perpetrators. Your presence and expertise will undoubtedly contribute to the success of our symposium, providing valuable insights and inspiring local and national actions to combat GBV in Canada.

Our previous symposium, held on February 21, 2023, under the theme "Healing Communities One Conversation at a Time," witnessed the convergence of over ten community partners in the gender-based violence sector. With over 300 registrations from the settlement and complementary services sector partners and community members, the event received widespread acclaim for its impactful workshops and discussions.

The time is now to ‘Engage all people in Canada in changing the social norms, attitudes, and behaviours that contribute to GBV’ and your presence is important to help reduce the insidious and residual effects on individuals, families and communities across Canada and beyond.

Click the button below or scan the QR code to learn more and register today

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Our Community Partners and Organizations