About Us
Building Welcoming & Equitable Communities
In 1982, five English as a Second Language teachers identified a need and shared a vision for integrated skills and language training. That vision became Toronto Office Skills, the former name of the agency. As the immigrant/refugee community needs changed, the agency evaluated itself, restructured, and raised funds to acquire a building and what emerged from that process is the agency, as we know it – Skills for Change.
From its inception, Skills for Change assumed a leadership role to address policy issues, undertake public education and research on issues affecting immigrants and refugees. At the same time, we pioneered innovative service models specific to internationally trained professionals.
Now a range of accelerated programs are offered to fit the needs of the people arriving from all parts of the world. Services offered include information and referral, French and English language assessment, English language instruction, integrated language/skills training, employment preparation, business skills, mentoring, entrepreneurship skills, skilled trades and settlement services.
Skills for Change has received the following recognition:
Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citation of Citizenship Award
Conference Board of Canada Community Learning Award
Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomer Champion Award.
We serve 20,000 people annually, and have been building welcoming and equitable communities for 40 years!
Our vision is for a Canada where everyone has equal opportunities to succeed.
We are committed to striving for a Canada where newcomers and other underserved individuals have access to opportunities that empower them to succeed personally and professionally.
Our approach to achieving this is supporting clients through strong partnerships, employment and sector relevant programs, and amplifying our voice in sector dialogue on immigration.
We work with newcomers and underserved groups providing holistic solutions that bridge the gap between potential and opportunity for success in Canada.
Our mission is to enhance skill sets, opportunities, and access to good work for newcomers and underserved groups across Canada.
Our Values
Skills for Change’s work is guided by a set of values that reflect our strong commitment to providing holistic support to a growing community of newcomers and underserved clients. These values inform our work and ensure that our methods that are empathetic, inclusive, and respectful.
We lean on the interconnectedness of the communities in which we work and value the strength that comes from meaningful collaboration. Skills for Change’s work is intrinsically informed by the following set of behavioral values:
We deliver quality and excellence in all that we do. Through a commitment to delivering measurable results and accountability to our work, clients, employees, employers, and funders, we create a positive, powerful, and sustainable impact.
We hold ourselves accountable to transparently communicating and demonstrating our progress and outcomes. Transparency is essential to us in holding and maintaining the trust we have earned with our clients, employees, employers, and funders.
We treat all individuals with empathy, compassion, and understanding to ensure that clients are supported holistically and feel respected through their journey.
Inclusivity and Diversity
We recognize the value of inclusivity and diversity as essential for creating an effective and supportive environment where everyone can feel comfortable to express their whole selves. As an organization dedicated to supporting newcomers and underserved communities, Skills for Change is especially concerned with being representative of the communities it serves.
We respect and value the diversity of our team and those we serve. We behave with integrity, compassion and empathy to ensure all persons are treated with dignity.
We deliver measurable results and create positive impact through our work. We hold ourselves accountable for the promises made in our Vision and Mission.
Make a difference
We help over 14,000 people a year with professional workshops, settlement counselling and other services. Your donations make a difference!
Interested in making a difference? Skills for Change volunteers help us help new immigrants and their communities. Join our efforts and make a difference!
Partner with us
Join our efforts by becoming an employer partner, or by us helping you connect you with the best talent that fits your business needs.