Our Services/

Settlement Services

The Immigrant, Refugee and Settlement (IRS) Hub is a set of services that helps newcomers settle within the Greater Toronto Area for Free. The services include:

  • One-on-one assistance and counselling to individuals and families that need help in different subjects

  • Referral to key community and government services, including educational, healthcare, and legal

  • Delivery of valuable workshops, information sessions and group activities

    Click below to attend our next information session, workshops and group activities.

Settlement Services

  • Information & Orientation

    How are Settlement services can help you

  • Settlement Workshops

    Skills for Change offers a variety of Settlement workshops in different topics

  • Afghan Refugee Integration Services

    Skills for Change is offering Specialized Settlement and labour market orientation, and referrals to relevant support services for female and/or LGBTQ+ Afghan refugees by a Refugee Integration Specialist that speaks Pashto and Persian/Dari.