Events /
Spotlight Series
Spotlight Series
Spotlight Series is a monthly panel discussion moderated by our CEO Surranna Sandy.
We bring together cross-sectoral leaders to examine and find solutions to relevant issues of today.
Past Topics
- Breaking the COVID-19 Pandemic Stigma: Addressing Anti-Asian Racism June 29, 2021
- Anti-Black Racism: Year in Review & Launch of the Black Leadership Institute May 25, 2021
- Covid-19 and Anti-Black Racism, a Double-Edged Sword for Black Entrepreneurs
- COVID-19's Impact on Canadian Immigration, Settlement and the future of the Canadian Labour Market
- Pathways to an Equitable Reset - October 20, 2020
- COVID-19 Pandemic's impact on BIPOC Women - September 15, 2020
- Anti-Black Racism and its impact on the LBGTQ2S+ Community
- Anti-Black Racism and its impact on the LBGTQ2S+ Community
- Anti Black Racism in the City of Toronto - June 30, 2020
- Anti-Black Racism and its impact on the LBGTQ2S+ Community
- Unconscious Bias and Anti-Black Racism Workshop - June 23, 2020
- From Syria to Afghanistan: Lessons Learned from a Successful Refugee Resettlement
- Canada's Talent Pursuit (Immigration & Economic Growth) - Jan. 17 2023
- The Rise of Digital Economy & Digital Equity Movement - Feb. 14, 2023
- Reflecting on Anti Black Racism - May 23, 2023
- Developing the Skills for the Future - April 11, 2023
Previous Panelists
Julie Kim
Founder, Go Be Safe
Victor Tung
U.S Chief Technology and Operations Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Technology and Operations, BMO Financial Group
Mohammed Hashmin
Executive Director, Canadian Race Relations Foundation and Founding Advisor, Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Dr. Kenneth Fung
Staff Psychiatrist and Clinical Director, Asian Initiative in Medical Health Program, Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network, and Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Tornoto
Kim Bordan Penney
President, Penney Consulting Services Inc. Ph.D Candidate, University of Toronto
Sophia Lormeus
Business & Technology Integration, SAP Talent & HR, Accenture
Claire Barcik
Executive Director, The Catherine Donnelly Foundation
Dean Delpeache
Director, Consulting , Strasity & Director of Talent and Diversity, Fiix Software
Karima-Catherine Goundiam
Founder & CEO, Red Dot Digital Inc. & B2BeeMatch
Wes Hall
Executive Chairman & Founder, Kingsdale Advisors and Founder and Chairman, The Black North Initiative
Isaac Olowolafe Jr.
Founder & General Partner, Dream Maker Ventures
Ejibola Adetokunbo-Taiwo
Adwoa K. Buahene
Carl Cadogan
John Shields
PhD Professor, Dept. of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University
Francisco Rico-Martinez
Co-Director, FCJ Refugee Centre
Pedro Barata
Executive Director, Future Skills Centre
Carmina Ravanera
Research Associate Institution for Gender & The Economy University of Toronto Rotman’s School of Management
Chanel Grenaway
Principal, Chanel Grenaway & Associates
Maya Roy
CEO, YWCA Canada
Dr. Jill Andrew
MPP, Toronto-St. Paul’s
Sunder Singh
Executive Director, Elspeth Heyworth Centre of Women
Dr. Wendy Cukier
Profession of Entrepreneurship and Strategy and Academic Director of the Diversity Institute at the Ted Rogers School of Management Ryerson University
Sultana Jahangir
Executive Director, South Asian Women’s Right Organization.
Nneka Macgregor
Co-founder & Executive Director, Women’s Centre of Social Justice
Priyanka Sheth
Executive Director (Interim), Sistering
Aina-Nia Ayo'dele Grant
Director, Community Resources Social Development, Finance and Administration, City of Toronto
Anthony N. Morgan
Manager, Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit Social Development, Finance and Administration, City of Toronto
Nicole Pitt
Nadisha Berry
Sara Asalya
Refugee Rights Advocate, Founder and Executive Director, The Newcomer Students’ Association and Senior Manager of Programs and Strategic Initiatives, Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto
Adeena Niazi
Executive Director, Afghan Women's Organization
Cosmina Morariu
Partner at Fragomen
Oumar Dicko
National Director, Government Partnerships at Windmill Microlending
Sunil Johal
Vice President, Public Policy at the CSA Group, Professor of Public Policy & Society, University of Toronto
Victor Beausoleil
CEO, Intuit Consulting, Executive Director, SETSI
Alejandro Mayoral Baños
Executive Director, Indigenous Friends Association
Jennifer Sloan
Vice President, Public Policy, Mastercard
Judge Rochelle Ivri
Citizenship Judge of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada / Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada
David Griffiths
MBA, PMP Associate Partner, Enterprise Strategy & Sustainability at IBM Consulting
Dr. Wesley Crichlow
PhD Professor at University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Lara Dyer
Director of Talent Beyond Boundaries, Canada
Danielle Ivosevich
Senior Manager, Business Transformation at EY Canada