Employment Programs
Get Better Job Opportunities with Skills for Change
Are you searching for a new job? Need help to advance in your career? Eager to enhance your skills? We understand the challenges you're going through, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
At Skills for Change, our employment programs help people find jobs and get better at their professions.
Our programs featured here are designed to lead to employment. We provide valuable resources such as information, referrals, career workshops, and job placement support. With over 40 years of experience, we've been successfully matching individuals with ideal job opportunities.
Don't miss out on this chance to take your career to the next level. Let Skills for Change guide you toward your goals.
Explore Our Programs
Employment Preparation
Free - 3 days
Helps people who need a job fast by quickly improving their work profiles. Ideal for newcomers, laid-off workers, and first-time job seekers.
Skills for Employment
Free - 2 weeks
Equips newcomers and job seekers with effective tools and resources for efficiently securing employment in their desired professions.
Free - 8 to 26 weeks
Programs designed to help professionals in Health Informatics, Accounting, and Finance enhance their professional knowledge and local employability skills.
Skilled Trades Pre-Apprenticeship
Free - 12 to 14 weeks
Guides participants towards careers where they use their hands and skills to create or repair things, like Horticulture, Plumbing, Welding, and Carpentry.